منتديات ابناء منطقة الهدى
Subject : English Language  --3 Houre     49aw4
اهلا بك ايها الزائر الكريم شرفتنا ونورتنا يزيارتك.
ملحوظه : عند التسجيل الرجاء كتابة الاسم الحقيقى كاملا
(لا للاسماء المستعارة من اجل مزيدا من التواصل)
و نرجو ان تجد ما هو مفيد
منتديات ابناء منطقة الهدى
Subject : English Language  --3 Houre     49aw4
اهلا بك ايها الزائر الكريم شرفتنا ونورتنا يزيارتك.
ملحوظه : عند التسجيل الرجاء كتابة الاسم الحقيقى كاملا
(لا للاسماء المستعارة من اجل مزيدا من التواصل)
و نرجو ان تجد ما هو مفيد
منتديات ابناء منطقة الهدى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

مرحبا بك يا زائر نور المنتدى بوجودك
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول

معا لترقية مستشفي الهدى معا لترقية مستشفي الهدى معا لترقية مستشفي الهدي معا لترقية مستشفي الهدى

المواضيع الأخيرة
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 Subject : English Language --3 Houre

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مهند الأمين عبد النبي
مهند الأمين عبد النبي

عدد المساهمات : 1286
تاريخ التسجيل : 13/06/2010
العمر : 47
الموقع : ام درمان امبدة
المزاج : السعيد هو المستفيد من ماضيه المتحمس لحاضره المتفائل بمستقبله

Subject : English Language  --3 Houre     Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Subject : English Language --3 Houre    Subject : English Language  --3 Houre     Icon_minitime1الإثنين 6 ديسمبر 2010 - 14:38

Answer All Question :-
Question One :- COMPREHENSION ( 30 marks )
Read the following Passage carefully and then answer the questions following it :
In order to survive the body needs food and water. It needs the substances in food for energy, for growth , for repairing the body and keeping it healthy. Lack of these substances makes the person sick.
These substances are called nutrients. There are six type of them such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water. Proteins, the tissue builders. They play an important role in forming the body’s cell , help to build hair, nails and skin. They are found in meat, fish, eggs, milk and chickens in addition to vegetable and cereal.
The second nutrient is the carbohydrates. If the body runs short of them the body uses the stored fats and proteins. Carbohydrates are present in cereals, vegetables and fruit . Too much of them causes overweight and tooth decay.
An other nutrient is the fats, which store energy and control body temperature. lack of fats leads to skin and hair problems. Too much of them causes serious health problems such as overweight, heart and high blood pressure. Vitamins help the body to stay healthy and work properly. They are present in the body in very small quantities without which the body suffers serious illnesses. To to protect the body from disease and make it work well we need to tack minerals , for example, calcium , iron and sodium.
The human body needs 66-75% of water to form the blood and cells . It helps transport nutrients all over the body and carries waste products away. It also keeps the body at the right temperature.
A: Give short answers :
1- Why dose the body need nutrients ?
2- What causes sickness ?
3- What do carbohydrate do If you take too much of them?
4- Mention the types of nutrients ? ……………...…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5- How much are vitamins in the body ?
B: Draw a Circle round the Best alterative A, B, C or D :-
1) Carbohydrates are present in: ………………………………..
A- hair , nails and skin B- cereals , vegetables
C- calcium, iron and sodium D- meat , fish and egg

2) Proteins are : ………………………………..………………….
A- tissue builders B- energy
C- store of energy D- miracle workers
3) Water forms ………………………………. Of the human body.
A- 63-66% B- 75-86%
C- 66-75% D- 67-57 %

4) Fats cause : ………….……………………….
A- high blood pressure B- tooth decay
C- fever D- diarrhea

5) Vitamins help the body to : …………………….…………………..
A- get sick B- stay healthy
C- get stronger D- stay fat

6) Nutrient are needed for : ………………………….………………..
A- repairing B- energy
C- growth D- all of these

7) According to the passage one of the functions of water is that, it ………………
A- cleans the body B- transports nutrients
C- irrigates plants D- increases temperature

Cool Without vitamins the body develops : …………………..
A- continuous illness B- serious illness
C- infectious illness D- less illness

9)The protein that is obtained from meat, fish, egg, milk and chicken is…… protein
A - animals B- vegetables
C- human D- natural

10) Cereals are : ………………………………
A- fruits B- vegetables
C- grains D- grapes
Question Two SUMMARY ( 17 marks)

Read the following passage carefully look for the main ideas and then, in your word as far as possible, write a summary. Your answer should be a connected piece of writing .
Satellites are space stations sent into orbits round the earth . One major use of Satellites is for communications using telephone, radio and T.V signals.
They are sent into orbits thousands of kilometers away from the earth and they allow information to be sent and received all around the world.
The world first regional Satellite system was the Indonesian “ palapa” .
It was originally designed to support communications in the 1800 inhabited islands of the countries. but later served neighboring countries. Another regional
Satellite system in service now is ARABSAT which is used by countries in the Middle East.
Now answer question (A) and (B) :-
A- In not more than 20 words summarize the advantages ?
B- In not more than 20 words mention where Palapa and ARABSAT support communication

Question Three LANGUAGE ( 35 marks )
A) Read the sentences below. Use the word at the word at the end of each sentence to form a word fits the space. Use the following endings:

……. ment , …..ous , ….. ion , …… able , ….. ing
1- His articles were ………………………..…………….. ( entertain)
2- Apple juice is very ………………………..………… drink . (nutrition)
3- Some people live for ………………………………….. (enjoy)
4- The tea is not ………………………………. , it is hot. (drink)
5- This is a good education …………….……………… ( institute)
B) Use the word at the word at the end of each sentence to form a word fits the space. Use the following Prefixes before each word:

un……. , im…… , over …… , re……. , bi…..….,
1- The company needs a ………………….……….. secretary ( lingual )
2- Fats cause …………………………………………………….……….. ( weight )
3- Some people are ……………………………………………………. ( productive)
4- They must …………………………..…………………. the loan (pay)
5- That board is ………………………….…………………………… ( movable)
C) Read the following text, from the list of words best choose the best word that fits space:

Parctise - When - classical - now - many - because - also

My main hoppy is playing the guitar , I usually play …………….…………..... music
But I can …..……………..………… play some folk songs . I don’t play as much ……………………
because I don’t have a lot of spare time , I began to play …………………. I was 12 year
old ……………………. I was always free at that time.

D) Put the verbs in brackets in their correct forms:

1- He was ill, If I ………………………..( be ) him , I ………………………….. ( go ) to hospital .
2- Last week my father made Ali ………………..…………….……… ( work ) hard
3- Now, Mona ……………………………………….………..…. ( like ) to see the doctor .
4- When Samia Come back , she ………..……..………………………….. ( discover ), that
her bag ……………………………..…………….…. ( steal )
5- It is expected that you ……………………………..( be ) a good doctor .
6- Asim is a pupil, If he ……………………..………………. ( work ) hard , ………………………………
. ( give ) Him a prize .
7- Amna said that she …………….……………………… ( go) there the week before

E) Complete the second sentence (B) so that it is similar in meaning to sentence (A),using the word given in the margin:

1) A : Nancy is so good that she works hard .
such B : Nancy is …………………….…………………………….……. she works hard.
2) A: This is Ali , I go with to school .
whom B : This is Ali …………………………………..……………………….……………………….
3) A : “ were you ill , Mona ?” said Ahmed .
wonted B : Ahmed……………………………………...…………………………………………………..
4) A: Ali and Hamid are equally clever .
as B : Hamid ……………………………………………………………..………………….….. Ali
5) A : He invited me yesterday.
invited B : I ………………………………………………………………………………… yesterday.

Question Four: COMPOSITION ( 18 marks )

Remember that marks will be give for correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, tidy and neat presentation.

Write a composition of about ( 120-180) words:
describing your ( town / village )

You can use the following ideas if you like:
- Situation : ( north - south - east - west - center )
- System of : ( transport - building s )
- Describe the resident’s “ activity - relations “
- Problems : ………...
- What it needs in order to better . ………………

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

Subject : English Language --3 Houre

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 

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منتديات ابناء منطقة الهدى :: الطالب والمنهج-
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