منتديات ابناء منطقة الهدى
First   Monthly Exam ( August  2011 )  49aw4
اهلا بك ايها الزائر الكريم شرفتنا ونورتنا يزيارتك.
ملحوظه : عند التسجيل الرجاء كتابة الاسم الحقيقى كاملا
(لا للاسماء المستعارة من اجل مزيدا من التواصل)
و نرجو ان تجد ما هو مفيد
منتديات ابناء منطقة الهدى
First   Monthly Exam ( August  2011 )  49aw4
اهلا بك ايها الزائر الكريم شرفتنا ونورتنا يزيارتك.
ملحوظه : عند التسجيل الرجاء كتابة الاسم الحقيقى كاملا
(لا للاسماء المستعارة من اجل مزيدا من التواصل)
و نرجو ان تجد ما هو مفيد
منتديات ابناء منطقة الهدى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

مرحبا بك يا زائر نور المنتدى بوجودك
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول

معا لترقية مستشفي الهدى معا لترقية مستشفي الهدى معا لترقية مستشفي الهدي معا لترقية مستشفي الهدى

المواضيع الأخيرة
            goweto_bilobedنقل عفش بالرياضFirst   Monthly Exam ( August  2011 )  LX155508السبت 24 يوليو 2021 - 16:36 من طرف             goweto_bilobedشركة تخزين اثاث بالرياض شركة البيوتFirst   Monthly Exam ( August  2011 )  LX155508الثلاثاء 18 مايو 2021 - 22:18 من طرف             goweto_bilobedأفضل شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض شركة البيوتFirst   Monthly Exam ( August  2011 )  LX155508الثلاثاء 18 مايو 2021 - 22:17 من طرف             goweto_bilobedشركة نقل اثاث بالرياض First   Monthly Exam ( August  2011 )  LX155508الثلاثاء 18 مايو 2021 - 22:16 من طرف             goweto_bilobedلكم التحية اين انتمFirst   Monthly Exam ( August  2011 )  LX155508الثلاثاء 18 يوليو 2017 - 4:15 من طرف             goweto_bilobedعودة بلا خروجFirst   Monthly Exam ( August  2011 )  LX155508السبت 30 أبريل 2016 - 14:06 من طرف             goweto_bilobedسلام مربع First   Monthly Exam ( August  2011 )  LX155508السبت 30 أبريل 2016 - 14:04 من طرف             goweto_bilobedد/تهاني تور الدبة تدق أخر مسمار في نعش مشروع الجزيرةFirst   Monthly Exam ( August  2011 )  LX155508الخميس 25 فبراير 2016 - 1:14 من طرف             goweto_bilobedمعا لترقية مستشفي الهدىFirst   Monthly Exam ( August  2011 )  LX155508الأربعاء 10 فبراير 2016 - 17:58 من طرف             goweto_bilobedهل يمكن رجوع المنتدي لي عهده الأول First   Monthly Exam ( August  2011 )  LX155508الثلاثاء 9 فبراير 2016 - 0:21 من طرف             goweto_bilobedالدلالات الرمزية في مختارات الطيب صالح: "منسي: إنسان نادر على طريقته!"First   Monthly Exam ( August  2011 )  LX155508الإثنين 26 أكتوبر 2015 - 18:22 من طرف             goweto_bilobedتحية بعد غيابFirst   Monthly Exam ( August  2011 )  LX155508السبت 24 أكتوبر 2015 - 5:17 من طرف             goweto_bilobedتهنئة بعيد الأضحى المباركFirst   Monthly Exam ( August  2011 )  LX155508الجمعة 25 سبتمبر 2015 - 20:00 من طرف             goweto_bilobedشباب المنتدى المستشفى يناديكمFirst   Monthly Exam ( August  2011 )  LX155508الأربعاء 16 سبتمبر 2015 - 18:36 من طرف             goweto_bilobedتوحيد خطبة الجمعه لنفرة المستشفىFirst   Monthly Exam ( August  2011 )  LX155508الأربعاء 16 سبتمبر 2015 - 18:20 من طرف             goweto_bilobedدكتور اسلام بحيرى وتغيير الفكر الدينى First   Monthly Exam ( August  2011 )  LX155508السبت 15 أغسطس 2015 - 5:16 من طرف             goweto_bilobedمعقولة بس ... فى ناس كدة First   Monthly Exam ( August  2011 )  LX155508الخميس 13 أغسطس 2015 - 12:38 من طرف             goweto_bilobedيعني نسيتنا خلااااصFirst   Monthly Exam ( August  2011 )  LX155508الخميس 13 أغسطس 2015 - 12:35 من طرف             goweto_bilobedبيت البكى ااااااااااFirst   Monthly Exam ( August  2011 )  LX155508الثلاثاء 4 أغسطس 2015 - 6:59 من طرف             goweto_bilobedالحاجه فاطمه بت النذير في ذمة اللهFirst   Monthly Exam ( August  2011 )  LX155508الثلاثاء 4 أغسطس 2015 - 6:49 من طرف 

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 First Monthly Exam ( August 2011 )

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مهند الأمين عبد النبي
مهند الأمين عبد النبي

عدد المساهمات : 1286
تاريخ التسجيل : 13/06/2010
العمر : 47
الموقع : ام درمان امبدة
المزاج : السعيد هو المستفيد من ماضيه المتحمس لحاضره المتفائل بمستقبله

First   Monthly Exam ( August  2011 )  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: First Monthly Exam ( August 2011 )    First   Monthly Exam ( August  2011 )  Icon_minitime1السبت 10 سبتمبر 2011 - 12:38

Subject : English Language :،. :،. :،. Third class :،.:،. :،. 2 Hours
وزارة التربية والتعليم - إدارة التعليم غير الحكومي
مدارس الخضراء الثانوية النموذجية الخاصة بنين
Khadra Private Secondary School for Boys & Girls
الامتحانات الشهرية – الامتحان الشهري الأول ( أغسطس 2011 م) القسم الأدبي
First Monthly Exam ( August 2011 )



1- Write your name and your class room in the appropriate space .
2- All rough work and final work must be done in space provided .
3- No supplementary papers must be accompany this answer paper .
4- Squires and circle drown in the margins are for examiner’s use only


The questions of this exam are Four questions printed on ( 8 pages)

Checked by Marked by Marks Questions
1- Comprehension
2- Summary.
3- Language
4- Composition
100 Totals

Question one: Comprehension (30 marks ):
Read the following passage carefully then answer the questions that follow it.

Tito was a farm worker who love Tana very much and wanted to marry her . Tana's father asked Tito for two years" wages as a dowry . " If you do not have the money after two years , I promise you that Tana will be married to someone else !" said Tana's father . Tito worked hard every day and gave the money he saved to his brother to keep it safe for him . The years passed and Tito had almost enough money to marry Tana . One day however , Lendo's child became very ill . Lendo took the child to the doctor who asked for a large amount of money to make the child well . Lendo had very little money and he was worried about his child . Finally he took the money that his brother Tito had given him and paid the doctor . Lendo's child become well . When Tito found that his money was gone , he was very sad .He went to Tana's father and said " Please give me one more year to pay the dowry . My brother has taken all of my money to save the life of his sick child . " What has that to do with me ? " cried Tana's father . You have not kept your promise , but I will keep mine . Tana will be married to someone else " .Tito ran to tell Tana about her father's decision .Tana decide to leave her father's house and to stay secretly with Tito's relatives in a village far away . When Tito had saved enough money , he would join her and they would be married . " My mother will be very sad " said Tana . She loved me more than all of my sisters , but they will take care of her . Tana left home quietly one night . The next morning , when her mother Zelga realized her daughter had gone , she wept bitterly . She was so sad that she became weak and sick . She died soon afterwards of a broken heart .
A: Give short answers :
1- What was Tito ? ………………………………………..……………………………….
2- How much was the dowry for Tana ?.................................................................................
3- Why did Tana leave home ?................................................................................................
4- What happened to Zelga at last ? …………………………………….…………………...
5- Who was ill ? ……………………………………………………………………………..

B: Say whether the following statements are true or false :
6- Tana had only one sister . ( )
7- Tito was a lazy person. ( )
8-The doctor did not ask for money . ( )
C : Draw a circle round the best alternative A, B, C, or D :
9- Tito lived in …………………………………..…. Society .
A: -global B: international C: traditional D :A and C are right.
10-Tana's father asked for two ……….……. wages as a dowry .
A: weeks B : months C : years D : hours .
11- Zelga died ………………………..…………………………………….…..
A: of happiness B: of a serious disease C: of laughing D :in an accident.
12- Tito gave his money to his brother to …………………………..…………
A: save it B: cure his child C: pay the doctor D: marry .
13- Tito was …………………………………………………………. person .
A: a lazy B: an active C: a crazy D: a bad .
14- Who said: " Please give me one more year to pay the dowry"
A: Tana B: the doctor C: Tito D: Tana's father .
15- The underlined word ( it ) refers to …………………………………….….
A: money B: day C: work D: years .
Question Two : Summary ( 17 marks )
Read the following passage carefully, look for the main ideas , and then in your words , as far as possible, write a summary.Your answer should be a connected piece of writing
We get information from our own experiences , environment or from other people . We can also go to the library and read books . When information is given to a large number of people we call it mass media which includes television, newspaper, magazines and radio .
In not more than 15 words mention the sources of information .
Question Three : Language ( 35 marks )
A) Put the verbs in brackets in the their correct forms .
1- Listen ! The birds …………………….. ……………… ( sing )
2- She usually …………………….………………. ( come ) early to work .
3- Ali ………………………..….………… ( not finish ) his work yet .
4- The sun ………………………………………... ( rise ) in the east .
5- ……… he ………….………..…… ( play ) football every day ? Yes, he does .
6- While we ……..…………..………(pass) an old farm , we saw strange object .
7- My friend ………………….…………..(go) shopping yesterday .
8- She …………………………..…….(not work) hard , did she ?
9- Tomorrow Jamal ……………………..……………( see ) a doctor .
B (i) : Add the following prefixes to the words at the end of each sentence to form words that fit in the given spaces below .
dis over in ir un
1- That boy is careless and ….………………….. ( responsible )
2- He is ……………………….. and unfit . ( healthy )
3- You have to finish you duty , it is ………………….( complete)
4- She went to school very late , she was …………… (slept)
5- I …… …………with you. You are completely wrong . (agree)
B) ii) Add the following suffixes to the words at the end of each sentence to form words that fit in the given spaces below .
ly ness ity ment ful
1- She was …………..…..…. in doing her work .(care)
2- That rose is ………………..………………. (love )
3- People need enjoyment and …………….. ( entertain)
4- We would like to thank you for your …………….. ( kind )
5- I live in Ombada …………………………( local)

C) .Choose the suitable words from the list below to complete the following text .
test - unless - fees - how - rules
You can not learn …………… to drive a car ……………… you join a driving school . First you pay the ………….. then they will teach you the …………. of road
, but before you get your license you must pass your driving .........................

D : Complete sentence ( B ) so that it has a similar meaning to sentence ( A ) , using the given words in each space .

1- A . It was such an interesting story that made us happy .
So B. The story was ………………………………………………………...
2- A. She likes cheese more than sweets .
Prefer B. She ……………………………………………………………………...
3- A. The soup was cold enough to use .
Too B. The soup was …………………………………………………………..
4- A. Farmers collect crops every year .
Collected B. Crops ………………………………………………………………..
5- A. Cars are more expensive than bicycles .
Cheap B.Bicycles ……………………………………………………………...
Question four : Composition ( 18 Marks )

Your name is Sagid or Sagda , write a letter of about (100 – 120) words to the minister of finance , Khartoum State, applying for the post (job) of a accountant which was advertised in Addar newspaper . Tell them about yourself , education, experience and skills . You live in Totti Island , Khartoum , Khartoum State .

Good Luck
English Language Department
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

First Monthly Exam ( August 2011 )

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 

 مواضيع مماثلة

» First Monthly Exam ( August 2011 ) القسم العلمى
» First Monthly Exam ( Agues 2010 )
» First Monthly Exam ( Agues 2010 )
» الامتحانات الشهرية – الامتحان الشهري الأول ( أغسطس 2011 م)-
» بوكس...موديل ..2011
صفحة 1 من اصل 1

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منتديات ابناء منطقة الهدى :: الطالب والمنهج-
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