منتديات ابناء منطقة الهدى
English Grammar- Third Year 49aw4
اهلا بك ايها الزائر الكريم شرفتنا ونورتنا يزيارتك.
ملحوظه : عند التسجيل الرجاء كتابة الاسم الحقيقى كاملا
(لا للاسماء المستعارة من اجل مزيدا من التواصل)
و نرجو ان تجد ما هو مفيد
منتديات ابناء منطقة الهدى
English Grammar- Third Year 49aw4
اهلا بك ايها الزائر الكريم شرفتنا ونورتنا يزيارتك.
ملحوظه : عند التسجيل الرجاء كتابة الاسم الحقيقى كاملا
(لا للاسماء المستعارة من اجل مزيدا من التواصل)
و نرجو ان تجد ما هو مفيد
منتديات ابناء منطقة الهدى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

مرحبا بك يا زائر نور المنتدى بوجودك
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول

معا لترقية مستشفي الهدى معا لترقية مستشفي الهدى معا لترقية مستشفي الهدي معا لترقية مستشفي الهدى

المواضيع الأخيرة
            goweto_bilobedنقل عفش بالرياضEnglish Grammar- Third Year LX155508السبت 24 يوليو 2021 - 16:36 من طرف             goweto_bilobedشركة تخزين اثاث بالرياض شركة البيوتEnglish Grammar- Third Year LX155508الثلاثاء 18 مايو 2021 - 22:18 من طرف             goweto_bilobedأفضل شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض شركة البيوتEnglish Grammar- Third Year LX155508الثلاثاء 18 مايو 2021 - 22:17 من طرف             goweto_bilobedشركة نقل اثاث بالرياض English Grammar- Third Year LX155508الثلاثاء 18 مايو 2021 - 22:16 من طرف             goweto_bilobedلكم التحية اين انتمEnglish Grammar- Third Year LX155508الثلاثاء 18 يوليو 2017 - 4:15 من طرف             goweto_bilobedعودة بلا خروجEnglish Grammar- Third Year LX155508السبت 30 أبريل 2016 - 14:06 من طرف             goweto_bilobedسلام مربع English Grammar- Third Year LX155508السبت 30 أبريل 2016 - 14:04 من طرف             goweto_bilobedد/تهاني تور الدبة تدق أخر مسمار في نعش مشروع الجزيرةEnglish Grammar- Third Year LX155508الخميس 25 فبراير 2016 - 1:14 من طرف             goweto_bilobedمعا لترقية مستشفي الهدىEnglish Grammar- Third Year LX155508الأربعاء 10 فبراير 2016 - 17:58 من طرف             goweto_bilobedهل يمكن رجوع المنتدي لي عهده الأول English Grammar- Third Year LX155508الثلاثاء 9 فبراير 2016 - 0:21 من طرف             goweto_bilobedالدلالات الرمزية في مختارات الطيب صالح: "منسي: إنسان نادر على طريقته!"English Grammar- Third Year LX155508الإثنين 26 أكتوبر 2015 - 18:22 من طرف             goweto_bilobedتحية بعد غيابEnglish Grammar- Third Year LX155508السبت 24 أكتوبر 2015 - 5:17 من طرف             goweto_bilobedتهنئة بعيد الأضحى المباركEnglish Grammar- Third Year LX155508الجمعة 25 سبتمبر 2015 - 20:00 من طرف             goweto_bilobedشباب المنتدى المستشفى يناديكمEnglish Grammar- Third Year LX155508الأربعاء 16 سبتمبر 2015 - 18:36 من طرف             goweto_bilobedتوحيد خطبة الجمعه لنفرة المستشفىEnglish Grammar- Third Year LX155508الأربعاء 16 سبتمبر 2015 - 18:20 من طرف             goweto_bilobedدكتور اسلام بحيرى وتغيير الفكر الدينى English Grammar- Third Year LX155508السبت 15 أغسطس 2015 - 5:16 من طرف             goweto_bilobedمعقولة بس ... فى ناس كدة English Grammar- Third Year LX155508الخميس 13 أغسطس 2015 - 12:38 من طرف             goweto_bilobedيعني نسيتنا خلااااصEnglish Grammar- Third Year LX155508الخميس 13 أغسطس 2015 - 12:35 من طرف             goweto_bilobedبيت البكى ااااااااااEnglish Grammar- Third Year LX155508الثلاثاء 4 أغسطس 2015 - 6:59 من طرف             goweto_bilobedالحاجه فاطمه بت النذير في ذمة اللهEnglish Grammar- Third Year LX155508الثلاثاء 4 أغسطس 2015 - 6:49 من طرف 

شاطر | 

 English Grammar- Third Year

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مهند الأمين عبد النبي
مهند الأمين عبد النبي

عدد المساهمات : 1286
تاريخ التسجيل : 13/06/2010
العمر : 47
الموقع : ام درمان امبدة
المزاج : السعيد هو المستفيد من ماضيه المتحمس لحاضره المتفائل بمستقبله

English Grammar- Third Year Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: English Grammar- Third Year   English Grammar- Third Year Icon_minitime1السبت 19 نوفمبر 2011 - 7:35

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
English Grammar- Third Year
2000 - 2010
Al – khalifa Abdullah Secondary School
Previous exams.
Structure { suffixes } 2000 Examination
{ing – ment – ive – ity – able – ize – ness – ative}
1- we must …………….our style of life . ( modern(
2- These are very ……….. jewels. (value )
3- This programme is ……………………..( inform )
4- Don’t live for …………………..only . ( entertain )
5- Food is a ………………..of life . (necessary )
6- I don’t like his …………………..(lazy)
7- She doesn’t take part in any school ……………………( active)
8- These chairs are ……………………..(comfort)
9- This book is not worth ……………….(read)
10- He has …………………..in chemistry.(special)
{able – ing – ive – ment – ful – ness}
1- He is a ………………………bus driver . (care)
2- My favourite hobby is ………………(paint)
3- A mean is a very good and …………boy . (act)
4- I wish you live in …………………(happy)
5- The ……………….will help poor people . (govern)
6- You were sitting on ………………….chairs . (comfort )
2000 Examination :
1- A . This book is so interesting that I finished reading is in one day .
Such B . This is ………………………………that I finished reading it in one day .
2-A . I like tea mock than coffee .
Prefer B . I………………………………….coffee .
1- A . The first film is better then the second one .
Bad B . The second film is………………then the first one .
2- A . The second and the third question are easier than the first one .
Difficult B . The first question is the …………………….of the three questions .
3- A . These books are not rough .
Too B . These books are……………………………
4- A . Ali said , Are these boys enjoying themselves ? .
Ask . B . Ali…………………………………………………..
5- A . Fatima is taller than Nadia .
As B . Nadia is not…………………………………..
6- A . I Can not buy a car because I don’t have enough money .
If B……………………………………..I would buy a car .
7- A . Don’t make that noise , Ali .
Order B . He……………………………………
8- A . This is the house . Fatherless children are kept there .
Where . B . This…………………………………………….
1- A . The local council hasn’t set up any factory .
Build . B . No factory ……………………by the local council.
2- A . You will miss the bus unless you hurry .
If B . You will miss the bus…………………………hurry.
3- A . It is such an easy exam that we will all pass .
So B . The exam is…………………..we will all pass .
2001 Examination
{Iy – ous – y – dom – ful – ness – ship – ity – ion – ment}
1- He ran …………….because he was late . ( quick )
2- A ………………drive doesn’t make accident . ( care )
3- Last night the ………….suddenly went out so we
had to light candles . ( electric )
4- The place is ……………I t wasn’t cleaned yesterday . ( dirt )
5- Mosquito net is a good ………….against malaria . ( protect )
6- Countries which are under foreign rule fight for their (free)
7- We thanked the man for his …………….and went away ( kind )
8- Cinemas, theatres and TVs are popular means of …………. (communicate)
9- They have been faithful friends . so their ……………continued
for along time . (friend )
10- In the Zoo, all ……………..animals , such as lions and tigers
are kept in cages . ( danger )
2001 Examination
1- A . The company is setting up anew factory over there .
Build B . Anew factory…………………………………….
2- A . Ali car is cheaper than Hassan’s .
Expensive B . Hassan’s car is……………………..than Ali’s .
3- A . Mothers take good care of their children .
Look B . Mothers…………………………….their children .
4- A . please , continue your work .
Carry B . please , ………………….with your work .
5- A . She didn’t listen carefully to the news .
Attention B . She didn’t…………………….to the news .
2001 Examination :
1- A . The book was so interesting that I read is twice .
Such : B . It…………………………………..that I read it twice .
2- A . Move that table , Ali .
Order B . He…………………………………….
3- A . I wish I could stop smoking .
Give B . I wish I……………………………….smoking .
4- A . The picture was too high for me to reach .
Tall B . I wasn’t……………………..to reach the picture .
5- A . They haven’t caused any serious damages .
Do B . No serious damage has been ………… .
2002 Examination
[ce – ian – ous – ish – ful ]
Al Ashore was a…………..I eader . (fame)
Together with other ………………..(polity) , he fought
Against the ………………(Britain) . Their efforts were
……………….(succeed) , because they resulted in the
……………….(independent) of the Sudan .

2002 Examination :
[if – on – cycling – unless – so – off – them – running – as – appeared ]
It was getting late and …………..I decided to go back home . I knew ………………
I wouldn’t get there in time …………..my way , I saw a truck …………….at full speed ……………it was turning round a corner , some children suddenly …………………one of …………….was ……………carelessly a cross the road . AS a result of his carelessness , the truck knocked him …………..his bicycle ……………he had been more careful , he wouldn’t have been hurt .
2002 Examination : [use – punish – have – himself – obeyed – with – preparing – refused – so - ordered ]
The father was not pleased ……………….his son , because his son …………..to do what he told him to stay in father and said to ………………. , If I …………….to stay here all day long , I must make ………………of my time . He started ……………….
His lessons .
2003 Examination
: [protect – which – grazing – enough – move – another – build – made – erect ]
Houses should be very simple and easy to ……………..Tenants ……………are …………….of wool , for example , are easy to……………and take down to allow nomads to……………from one place to………….to find ……………for their animals . These tenets are strong …………..to ……………..them from bad ………….condition .
June 2003 Examination :
[before – frees join – signs – how – instructor – test – rules – unless – license - ]
You cannot learn ………….to drive ………..you…………a driving school . First you will have to pay the necessary . Then your………………will teach you the . and the …………………..of the roads . But ………….you can get your driving……………...
, you must pass your driving……………………… .
2003 Examination
[ion – ful – ous – ment – able]
1- Disease like malaria need proper …………………….(treat)
2- The government will take………………………..against unemployment . (act)
3- He is still looking for a………………….gift for his wife. (suit)
4- We enjoyed the party .We had a………………time there . (wonder)
5- Some drugs are very ……………………….(poison)

June 2003 Examination June 2003 Examination :
4- A – I wasn’t tall enough to reach the picture .
High B . The picture was ………………for me to reach .
5- A . ‘’Don’t lose hope’’. He said
Told me B . He………………………………………….

[ous – ive – tion – ful – sion]
1- Trees protect soil from……………………(erode)
2- The police are responsible for the …………of the game. (prevent)
3- Planes are the most ………………means of transport .(expense)
4- We must keep ……………drugs out of the reach of children (poison)
5- The results of space researcher may be………………to us in the future. (use)
2004 examination
[ing – able – ive – er – ness – ment – tion – Iy]
1- His……………was great when he passed his exams.(happy)
2- Doctors say ………………is better than cure . (prevent)
3- The most popular form of ……………..in my village is singing and story – telling .(entertain)
4- He is a good football ………………..(play)
5- Vitamins keep us healthy and ………………(act)
6- He is rich .He is living an easy and …………..life .(comfort)
7- There is an ……………….a mount of population in the world body .(increase)
8- She was driving ……………….through the crowded streets.(careful)

2004 Prefixes : 2005 Examination :
[another – who – about – visiting – He – period – which – stay – grown – life – hope – farmer ]
I am looking forward to……………my friend Zayed ………………..lives in Barakat . I would like to know some thing ……….. rural………..in Jezira and see what crops are ……………there. I intended to…………..with my friend for a………………….
Of 14 days , after …………..I………….to visit……………friend in sinner . is a………………
Complete sentence (B) so that is has a similar meaning to sentence (A) , using the words given . You must use from two to five words in each space .
2004 Examination :
1- A . Deng is strong . Ali equally strong .
As B . Ali………………………………..Deng
2- A . Susan like fish more than meat .
Prefer B .Susan …………………………………...
3- A . People like john better than Musa and Ali .
Popular B . John……………………..of the three .
4- A . It was such tasty food that I ate it all
So B . The food……………………………….all .
5-A . I am going to read it while on holidays .
During B . I ………………………………………..
6- A . We went out in spite of the rain .
Although B . We went out…………………………………
7- A . There was nothing in the cupboard .
Any thing B . There……………………………………….
Use the words at the end of each sentence to from a word that fits in the space . Use the following prefixes before each word .
[over – im – re – dies – un ]
1- My composition is not tidy . The teacher told me to ………..it .(write)
2- Ahmed looks sad and …………………today . (happy)
3- Shops are usually ……………..before Eid – el – Fitr . (crowded)
4- I’m busy . It’s ………………..for me to come at 8 o’clock . (possible)
5- Living in the village has advantages and ………………(advantage)
9- 2005 exam.
Read the sentences below. use the words at the end of each sentence to from a word that fit in the space .use the following ending :
{Al – ous – ful – tion – th}
1- Be……………..when you cross the road. ( care ).
2- Ibn Battuta is a ……………….traveller. (fame)
3- He enjoys reading ……………..stories. (tradition )
4- I received an ………………card from my friend . (invite)
5- The boat is about 4 feet in ……………….(long)

[TV – hobby – encourage – team – stamps – sport – city – collecting – matches watching]
The most popular sport in Sudan is football . Every large ………………..has its football …………….. . Most families watch football ………………live on TV school children are ……………………to take up a sport or a …………….. such as ………………..coins and ……………..other indoor activities are …………………...
TV or visiting museums .

2005 Examination :
[proteins – energy – grow – ful – food – nutrients – can – disease – as – vitamins ]
A human body is like a car . Without …………..a car can not go , and neither ……………..our body’s fuel is ……………as well as fuel , our body also needs certain ……………such as fats . ……………minerals and …………….These will help the body to ……………..well and to fight ………………………… .

{Ous – ine – able – ing – tion}
1- I received an ……………..card from my friend. (invite)
2- Malaria is a………………disease. (danger)
3- ……………is bad for health. (smoke)
4- The table can be moved . It is ………………..(move)
5- Young people are very healthy and …………….(act)

Prefixes 2006
[un – over – im – dis – re ]
1- The rooms is dirty and ……………………………(tidy)
2- The house was ………………..and so it looked new . (buit)
3- I quite ………………with you . (agree)
4- At last they were able to ………………all the difficulties (come)
5- The doctor is busy now . It is ……………….to see him . (possible)

2006 Examination :
1- A . We will miss the bus, if we don’t hurry .
Unless B . …………………,we will miss the bus .
2- A . Ali is so young that he cant drive a car .
Too B . Ali is…………………………………….a car .
3- A . Ali’S the ambulance has taken the two injured boys to the hospital .
Been B . The two injured boys………………………….by the ambulance .
4- A . A athletes must not take drugs .
Allow B . A athletes are not allowed to take drugs .
5- A . We went out although it was raining .
6- In spite of B . We went out……………………………………..
3- 2007 exam
{al – ful – iy – ive – ship – hood – ment}
1- The ……………families programme has become popular. (proud)
2- During the interview lua spoke …………….. (polite)
3- There are many ………………children’s games in the Sudan (tradition)
4- They are friends. Their …………goes back to their school I days (friend)
5- A knife is a ……………tool for cutting meat. (use)
6- The …………….helps poor people. ( govern)
7- My ……………..was very happy . (child)
Prefixes 2007
[re – un – dis – pre – over ]
1- Children should not ………………….their parents.(obey)
2- A man managed to …………………… the loan.(pay)
3- The man looks weak and ………………..(fit)
4- Ali eats too much . He has become fat and ..........– (weight)
5- My son is five years. He goes to a ………………(school)
2006-Examination :
[ soon – walk – staying – day – where – evaporate – bank – lot -Drops – near ]
On the first ………..of my holiday , I went for an early …………….. a long the rive …………….. It was ………….the hotel ……………I was ……………………
There was quite ………...of grass growing there . A few ………………of water were still on the grass . But as …………….as is gets hot . they will …………………….

2007 Examination :
1- A . Ali is not as tall as Ahmed .
Than B . Ahmed………………………………………….
2- A . Some one has stolen my books .
Been B . My books………………………………………..
3- A . Unless you hurry , we will miss the bus .
If B ………………………………………….
4- A . There is no body in the house .
Any body B . There…………………………………………………
5- A . It was raining . yet we went out .
Although B ……………………………….,We went out .
Fore finger :- He cut his fore finger .
Pre history :- Pre history period was full of strange stories .
Fore fathers :- We must respect our fore fathers traditions .
Fore head :- He has a headache he touched his fore head .
[un – ir – fore - over – re ]
1- It is good to be ……………………..(confident)
2- The facts are ……………………….(relevant)
3- It’s …………………….that the earth is flat . (true)
4- I……………….the town where I was born . (visited)
5- Do you usually listen to the weather ………………(cast)
[un – over – im – pre – dis]
1- The child has ……………………(eaten)
2- The room is dirty and ………………..(tidy)
3- Children should not ……………….their parents . (obey)
4- It was ……………….to meet him , so I left . (possible)
5- My son is five years . He goes to a ………………..(school)

Read the following text . From the list below choose the best word that fits in each space

2008 Examination :
1- A . She was looking for the key . she found it .
Which B . She found the key……………………………………….
2- A . Although it was raining , we went out .
In spite of B . We went out…………………………………………
3- A . The journey was so long that we get tired .
Such B . It was……………………………………………………..
4- A . Ali said ‘’, have you enjoyed the film ?’’.
Ask B . Ali asked………………………………………………….
5- A . You must not walk one carpet with dirty shoes .
Allow B . You are not allowed to walk on carpet with dirty shoes
1- A . It is such an easy exam that we will all pass . (so)
2- A . Although he was poor , he was generous . (in spite of )
3- A . He asked me’’ How old are you ? ‘’ . (old)
4- A . Ali is not as tall as Ahmed . (than)
5- A . Unless we hurry , we will miss the bus . (if)
3- Fruits and vegetables…………(be)cheap nowadays .
4- My brother enjoys…………..(fish)on Fridays.
5- When I reached the theatre ,I…………………..(discover) that the play……………already………………..(start)
6- The government……………….(built)a new hospital next week .
7- One plus one………………….two . (equal) .
Fill in the blanks: 2008
{water - residential - drink - thrown - cities - done - disease - laboratories - health - pure}
Every one knows that modern ……………….are populated and something must be ……. About it. The air we breathe is not ………………. The water we ………………
Has to be purified by chlorine. In order to have good ………………… People must use clean ……………….from it. Chemical ………………factories should be built far away from ……………………….areas, and their waste should not be ……………………in the rivers.
Put the verbs in brackets in their correct form. (2008)
1- While Mustafa……………………(drive) to Medani last week, he ………………….. (stop) at Kamleen and ……………………….(take) breakfast.
2- Anew bridge………………….(build) last year.
3- The …………………….. yet (not finished). They …………………….(finish) tomorrow.
4- It ……………….. too late now, unless you …………….(hurry), you will miss the plane.
5- …………… you …………….(see) the person who broke the window yesterday.
{ly - ness - ity - ment - ful}
1- He was ……………………. in doing his work. (care)
2- That flower is a …………………one. (love)
3- This medicine is used for the ……………….. of Malaria. (treat)
4- The reason of his ……………….. is that he found his last car. (happy)
5- This ………….. is one of many practiced at school. (active)
{ly - ment - ous - ship - ion}
1- Aids is a ……………………. Disease. (danger)
2- Think carefully before you take …………………….(act)
3- During the interview Rachel spoke ……………………….(polite)
4- Students always need help and …………………….. (encourage)
5- The …………………. hall was built in 1972. (friend)
Prefixes {dis - over - in - ir - un} 2008
1- He is careless. He is ……………………….(responsible)
2- It was very space ………………. That he had an accident. (fortune)
3- You have to finish your work, it is …………………… (complete)
4- I went to work very late. I ………………………… (slept)
5- He ………………………… with me. (agree)
Complete sentence ‘A’ to give similar meaning to ‘B’ (2008)
1- A : He went away . He didn’t lock the door .
With out B : He went away…………………………………..
2- A : You shouldn’t do that .
Wrong B : It is………………………………………………
3- A : Bicycles are cheaper to buy than scooters .
Expensive B : Scooters are………………….than bicycles .
4- A : You must not break the law .
Allow B : You…………………………to break the law .
5- A : The tea was so hot that he couldn’t drink it .
Too B : The tea was……………………………to drink .
2009 Examination :
1- A : Silver is cheaper than gold .
Expensive B : Gold is……………………………………silver .
2- A : He has stolen my two bags .
Been B : My two bags………………………………………….
3- A : She removed her hat to greet them .
Take B : She…………………..her hat to greet them
4- A : Hassan sold his car so as to get married .
In order B : Hassan sold his car………………………….married .
5- A : You will miss the bus unless you hurry .
If B : You will miss the bus……………………………..hurry .
{fore - over - im - dis - un}
1- The doctor is busy now. It is ………………….. to see him. (possible)
2- I quite …………………… with your article on march 18th. (agree)
3- At last, he was able to ……………. all the difficulties. (come)
4- The room looks dirty and …………………………………(tidy)
5- The girl touched her …………………….. (head)
2010 Language examination (news paper)
Put the verbs in brackets in their correct form :
1- while Ali (run)…………….to school yesterday , a dog (attack)……………….
Him he picked up a stone and (throw) …………..it at the dog . but when he got to school , the first lesson (already start)……………………….
2- Sudan (produce)……………………….oil .
3- You (catch)……………………………the bus if you hurry .
4- They………………….yet (not finish) , They ……………(finish)tomorrow.
5- A new bridge………………………(build) last year .
Suffixes : [ing – ive – al – able – iy ]
1- He enjoys reading………………..stories . (tradition)
2- ………………….is bad for health . (smoke)
3- The table can be moved . It is………………(move)
4- During the interview Laual spoke………….(polite)
5- The……………..families programme has become very popular(product)
[day – work – on – and – kind – energy – modern – needs – without – sources]
Electricity is a……………of………………..it has become a part of ………………...
Life……………..energy we can not light our houses , watch TV or make machines
………………….Almost every thing we do……………..energy . For a long time man depend…………traditional……………………..of energy such as coal , oil……………..gas . these sources are non renewable and will run out one………………………
Complete :
1- A : In spite of his cleverness , he is unlucky .
Although B ……………………………………………………he is unlucky .
2- A : You must exactly do what your parents tell you .
Obey B : You……………………………………….your parents .
3- A : Ali said :’’Are these boys enjoying them selves ?’’.
Ask B : Ali…………………………………………………………..
4- A : The box is too heavy to carry .
Enough B : The box……………………………………………….
5- A : He stopped smoking cigarettes .
Give up B : He…………………………………………………cigarettes .
{al - ize - able - ion - ing}
1- Collective work strengthens the ………………….between the people of a particular area. (co-operate).
2- These are ……. Jewels. (value)
3- Every week millions of children die in ……………..countries. (develop).
4- We must …………….. our style of living. (modern).
5- The lawoo is the ……….. dress of southern Sudan. (tradition).
{dis - over - un - im - in}
1- It is …………….… that the earth is flat. (true)
2- The headmaster was …………... with 5the lazy boy. (patient).
3- Nobody likes a ……………………… person. (honest)
4- The referee is ……………………….. of controlling the players because he is very young. (capable)
5- She became ………………… as a result of eating too much. (weight)
Read the following text . From the list of words below choose the best word that fits in the space .
[energy – called – about – dam – stored – also – of – from ]
How is nuclear power produced ? We read and hear……………….energy from the
Sun . The sun’s energy is…………………………in coal , oil and gas . Energy or power is……………………….produced using the great power…………………………
Fast – flowing water which is held back by a………………… . This is called hydro – electric power .
Put the verbs in brackets in their correct form .
1- I’m going into town this afternoon . Would you like…………………....(come)?
2- He admitted………………………………(steal) the picture , so please stop…………………..(hit) him .
3- If people didn’t have cars , they…………………………………………..(walk) .
4- My father let us………………………….(go) to the theatre yesterday .
5- We…………………………(study) two of Shaw’s plays at the moment .
6- By the time she………………………………….(arrive) she found that the teacher………………………..(leave) .
7- While Nada……………………………………………(iron) the found clothes , her sister …………………………………………….(cook)
Complete sentence (B) so that it has a similar meaning to sentence (A) , using the words given . You must use from TWO to FIVE words in each space .
1- (A) The exam is so easy that every one can pass it .
such (B) It is………………………………………….every one can pass it .
2- (A) The teacher said ,’’ Can you type, Ali ?’’
ssk (B) The teacher…………………………………………………. .
3- (A) Students must not take their books into examination rooms .
allow (B) Students…………………………their books into examination rooms .
4- (A) Haleema is milking the goats .
being (B) The goats……………………………………………..by haleema .
5- (A) She worked very hard in order to succeed .
so as (B) She worked……………………………………………to succeed .

collected by : Mr. Salah Adam Abdullah
English teacher
Khalifa Abdullah Secondary School
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

English Grammar- Third Year

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 

 مواضيع مماثلة

» Subject : English Language --3 Houre
» The English Sudanese Sayings الأمثال الإنجليزية السودانية
صفحة 1 من اصل 1

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منتديات ابناء منطقة الهدى :: الطالب والمنهج-
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